Monday, February 4, 2013

A Valentine

G'day Readers...... if your still there, lol

I either need to remove this blog or just post something random every day till I get used to the idea of keeping this blog up.

Have you heard of the Die Cut Diva's flickr group?
Well we have recently moved our monthly challenges over to our blog, and this is my month to put up a challenge  there. See our latest challenge HERE!
 This week I'll be posting cards I made using my favorite diecut of the month, to inspire you, and to give idea's for our challenge theme.
To avoid re posting everything, you can see the full material list  and details  over at the DCD challenge blog

I also wanted to ask you if you could pray for my Grandma, she is going in today for a knee replacement.  She had her other knee done a couple of years ago, and things didn't go quite well, but we are all hoping with new technology and better knowledge the surgery and healing process will go better for her.

Thanks for Stopping by!



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