Saturday, July 31, 2010

An Urgent Request

Hello all.

It's time again for me to prepare for another cardmaking event at Archivers for Operation Write Home, but unfortunatly I'm running low on certain materials, and won't have enough for this next event. I will also be getting ready to make Christmas Cards for OWH, so will also be needing holiday items. So if you have any of the items listed below you don't want or need, or if you decide to clean out your craft spaces 8~) it would be greatly appreciated

Edited to Add Sept 15th; My next event is fast approaching and I still don't have enough materials. I'm in urgent need ANY DONATIONS Possible but the  Most needed item is paper.

Paper in the size of an A2 card, in colors and patterns, and/or larger pieces for cutting.
Christmas papers.
Assorted embellishments.
Christmas Stamps.
And Cash donations.

Please email me at for my address.
Also I Just wanted to say Thank you to all of you who have sent previous  and generous donations, I've been able to hold 4 very succesful events and can't wait till the next one.

Thanks Once Again and have a Great weekend!


Chark said...

I'll have to see if I have any holiday stuff that's not glittery, since glitter is a no-no for the troops. I may have to go shopping! Oh, and here's a link to my daughter's new blog, for some reason, I always think you're the same age...but maybe not! It's a bunch of random quotes from her school, but it's kinda funny, just in case you're looking for a laugh. Charlene from HA

Unknown said...


I love your new photo! I'll see what I can contrive for your drive. I have a ton of little "bits" that might be of use, for sure. AND I still have a box of cards for you, so let's see if I can get you something you can use.